Can Invisalign push teeth forward?

Can Invisalign push teeth forward?

Invisalign is a game changer for orthodontics. Over five million orthodontic patients around the world have liked the transparent plastic alignment system. Better aesthetics is the most attractive part of a revolutionary treatment method, but appearance should not be the only thing to consider when looking at orthodontic treatment. Can Invisalign push teeth forward?

What is Invisalign?

Invisalign is an orthodontic system that uses modern computer-aided technologies to create clear leveling elements. These clear leveling elements sit over the teeth and exert a little pressure in the design direction to move them. At the beginning of treatment planning, the software will calculate how many adjustments you need and how often you will have to change them, usually every 2 weeks.

What orthodontic problems can Invisalign treat?

The following problems may be treated by Invisalign in some patients, but not all, depending on the severity or if there are several problems:

  • Curved teeth

If you want to straighten a smile, Invisalign is an option.

  • Overbite

Biting (when the upper teeth close too far in front of the lower teeth) can make it difficult to chew and bite some foods.

Can Invisalign fix overbite? Yes, in some cases Invisalign can be used to move teeth so that the upper and lower teeth align properly when the mouth is closed.

  • Underbite

The bite (when the lower teeth are in front of the upper teeth) can cause faster tooth wear and make speech difficult.

Can Invisalign push teeth forward?

Can Invisalign cure the lower bite? Yes, Invisalign can be used to move the lower teeth back so that they naturally sit behind the front teeth.

In extreme cases, orthodontic appliances can be combined with Invisalign, and some ligation cannot be treated with Invisalign.

  • Cross bite

Transverse bite (when some upper teeth sit inside the lower teeth instead of the outside) can cause the teeth to break and wear, and even cause the gums to recede.

Perhaps you’re wondering if Invisalign can fix a cross bite? In many cases, Invisalign can be used to move misaligned teeth to the right place and to treat cross-bite.

  • Gaps in the teeth

If you have a gap between two or more teeth, you have a problem with gaps. This excessive space is a problem catching food between the teeth and gums, causing gum pain and disease. Invisalign can close the gaps to create a healthier mouth and a more aesthetic smile, but there are restrictions on the amount of space that needs to be closed.

  • Open Bite

Invisalign can fix an open bite (when the upper and lower teeth do not meet), moving the upper and lower teeth into place so that they close properly.

  • Crowded Teeth

When there is not enough space in the jaw to hold all the teeth, they can overlap and curl, which is called crowding. The reduced space between the teeth allows food to jam and plaque and plaque to build up, which can contribute to tooth decay and gum disease.


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